Saturday, April 2, 2011

A Cow in Every Kitchen

We had our dessert sharing a few nights ago - "A Cow in Every Kitchen". Each of us shared about a portion of the trip. I spoke on child sponsorship. :)  That really meant the most to me and is something I will continue to work with as a Child Ambassador.

So if you didn't go - here is a little bit about what I shared...

I had many misconceptions about child sponsorship. I always thought we were giving money to the child's education, maybe a uniform, and perhaps some school supplies. I didn't realize it was LIFE to its fullest for the child. I also wondered...does the child really benefit? Are they real? Do they get the letters? How many sponsors have a child?  Does the money go to the right place? Valid questions.

After going, and seeing...I can now answer those questions and more. The money goes to help the child live to his/her fullest - clean water, education, sustainable food, medication, training for parents. It makes a huge life in the qualify of life for that child! Yes - my kids are real, I am the only sponsor, they get the letters, the money goes to the right place and then some!

Child sponsorship is vital for the community. When fresh water is brought for a child - the whole community benefits! Same for food, medication, etc.

I came home and applied to be a Child Ambassador because I believe so highly in World Vision and the work that they do. We sent special "gift notifications" to the all 3 of our kids - workers will go out to their homes and find out what the family needs the most and purchase it for them with our donation...could be a cow in their kitchen, clothes, shoes...whatever is necessary.

If you don't have a sponsor child, it is $35 a month and SO worth it! Let me know and I can get a child for you - any country or in the area we went - Abaya. :)  Just email me!

(PS - not all sponsor agencies are the same...some programs do only give to education. World Vision helps the whole child.)

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