Sunday, September 28, 2008

Getting Ready - Lee to Ethiopia

Well, Lee is getting ready for Ethiopia! He will be leaving October 9. Please pray for him as he prepares for this big trip...pray for him spiritually and physically. Pray that God will prepare the way for their journey and the hearts of the people there. Pray that Lee will be touched as well by the journey. It will be a physically demanding trip but I think he is excited for what is to come! I doubt I will be able to post blogs during his trip...I don't think I will have any contact with him until he touches ground back in the US. But check just in case!

PTL he has raised 3/4 of his money. He needs about $400 more. God is good! He always provides and we thank all the people who have supported his trip. I know he will be contacting people after the trip. As most of you know, he is not much of a computer person :-) . That's why I write the blog for him!

Pictures up top... I was able to see Lauren run at Stanford this weekend. That was exciting! Yea Lauren! Her team placed 3rd behind Stanford and UC Davis. APU beat out a lot of big schools so they were quite excited to place 3rd!


Brett will be going with his school to Jamaica next summer. He is taking a missions class and this is the "culmination" of the course. It's exciting!

Our family has been on so many mission trips these past few years. It's amazing, really. I never would have imagined it! God always amazes me...His plans are always so much bigger. This year I decided "no more trips for a while...need to save for college..." Leaving Brazil last year, I knew I wanted to go back. And I still have such a heart for Mozambique! I am praying about both areas again. Myself says, "no, I'm staying home." But I want what God wants...what does HE want me to do? Please pray that I listen to Him whatever He tells me. I want His will...not mine. Pray that I don't shut down His opportunities...or try to open ones that aren't His calling. Thank you!