Thursday, July 24, 2008

Lee to Ethiopia!

Yes, Lee will be going to Ethiopia in October! Please start praying for him and his small team! He will be going with one other man from our trip (Bob) and 2 men from the Ethiopian Church in Sacramento. They will traveling to a small village at the 10,000 foot level to install a water filter system and bring water down from a hill to the nearby village. Seifu, one of the men going, grew up in this village. He started a small Christian School there. Some of you may remember a book drive I held for the school 2 years ago.

Support! He needs a lot of it!

First, he needs prayer support! Begin praying NOW!

Secondly, he needs financial support. He needs to raise almost $3,000.The group needs to raise over $10,000 just for the water system. Checks may be mailed to Lakeside Church / Lee Jimison Ethiopia. Email me and I'll send you the address of the church.

Check back for updates! Did you read about my recent BRAZIL trip?