Saturday, October 25, 2008


Thank you so much for sending me to Ethiopia. Our trip was a success in terms of accomplishing the water project but more important the fact that the villagers knew why we had come so far. We had several set backs throughout the week which was almost expected, but the final set back, as discouraging as it was, God used for His purse. On the morning of the last day, we woke up to find that one of the villagers had vandalized our work. He had been one of the workers that had helped through the week, but was angry that he wasn’t asked to work the last day. The elders of the village called a meeting. The young man was given grace for his actions and apologized to the elders and to us. Although he had to pay a fine, we showed forgiveness and were able to demonstrate God’s forgiveness and grace. During the gathering, my partner on the trip, Bob, was able to give a clear presentation of the gospel that I believe will bear fruit. We were able to finish fairly late in the day and when we left they had a water system that will help them every day. The water is available to members of the village and the school. More importantly, we pray that His living water will flow through their lives in the village of Archebar.

Thank you again for your prayers and support!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Lee's Home!

Yea! Lee arrived safely back home! He had a wonderful time - said it was full of a LOT of work. But they accomplished the task and shared about Jesus! He'll write in a few days and I'll update the blog. His pictures are amazing...still trying to get them off the camera since our cord broke. I just wanted to let you know he was back safe and sound.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Getting Ready - Lee to Ethiopia

Well, Lee is getting ready for Ethiopia! He will be leaving October 9. Please pray for him as he prepares for this big trip...pray for him spiritually and physically. Pray that God will prepare the way for their journey and the hearts of the people there. Pray that Lee will be touched as well by the journey. It will be a physically demanding trip but I think he is excited for what is to come! I doubt I will be able to post blogs during his trip...I don't think I will have any contact with him until he touches ground back in the US. But check just in case!

PTL he has raised 3/4 of his money. He needs about $400 more. God is good! He always provides and we thank all the people who have supported his trip. I know he will be contacting people after the trip. As most of you know, he is not much of a computer person :-) . That's why I write the blog for him!

Pictures up top... I was able to see Lauren run at Stanford this weekend. That was exciting! Yea Lauren! Her team placed 3rd behind Stanford and UC Davis. APU beat out a lot of big schools so they were quite excited to place 3rd!


Brett will be going with his school to Jamaica next summer. He is taking a missions class and this is the "culmination" of the course. It's exciting!

Our family has been on so many mission trips these past few years. It's amazing, really. I never would have imagined it! God always amazes me...His plans are always so much bigger. This year I decided "no more trips for a while...need to save for college..." Leaving Brazil last year, I knew I wanted to go back. And I still have such a heart for Mozambique! I am praying about both areas again. Myself says, "no, I'm staying home." But I want what God wants...what does HE want me to do? Please pray that I listen to Him whatever He tells me. I want His will...not mine. Pray that I don't shut down His opportunities...or try to open ones that aren't His calling. Thank you!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Lee to Ethiopia!

Yes, Lee will be going to Ethiopia in October! Please start praying for him and his small team! He will be going with one other man from our trip (Bob) and 2 men from the Ethiopian Church in Sacramento. They will traveling to a small village at the 10,000 foot level to install a water filter system and bring water down from a hill to the nearby village. Seifu, one of the men going, grew up in this village. He started a small Christian School there. Some of you may remember a book drive I held for the school 2 years ago.

Support! He needs a lot of it!

First, he needs prayer support! Begin praying NOW!

Secondly, he needs financial support. He needs to raise almost $3,000.The group needs to raise over $10,000 just for the water system. Checks may be mailed to Lakeside Church / Lee Jimison Ethiopia. Email me and I'll send you the address of the church.

Check back for updates! Did you read about my recent BRAZIL trip?

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Trip Recap!

It's hard to believe I'm home! I must say Brazil was an amazing trip...much more than I could even describe. It was the hardest trip I've been on - physically and emotionally - yet the best. I would love to give you a day to day recap...but I also know people are busy and don't want to read every last detail!

We ran 2 weekend camps for about 80 kids. The camps were held at Camp California...a very beautiful area! And once you know where the kids come from, you realize how much the camp means to them. At camp we had fun time where kids swam and played, games, crafts, and Bible stories. Our theme was the Olympics and I did puppet shows with Rauel for the bible stories. What was soooo wonderful was sharing the good news of JESUS at camp with the kids! Even "the professor" came to camp and did a magic presentation. I think camp to them is much like Hume Lake to many kids here in can be a life changing experience. For my ending chapel, I spoke to the kids about running a race...they had 2 choices how to run it... they could have a ball and heavy metal chain tied around their race and run over the hurdles all the way to the finish...or...they could have an Olympic athlete runner run with them who would untie the chain, pull them as they ran, and help push them over the hurdles. We wrapped up by showing them how the ball and chain are sin and life without God and the athletic runner is Jesus who can release them of their chain and run with them...the hurdles (difficulties in life) are still there, but Jesus will help them through them to the finish. Camp was wonderful and amazing and I fell in love with so many of the kids I wanted to take them home with me in my backpack!

The rest of my time there during the weeks were spent at the favelas. It's hard to explain the favelas. People who live in favelas are lower than poor, low cast citizens. There are no laws or rules in favelas and they are all run by drug lords. The kids are constantly exposed to drugs, sex, and violence. As on example, I saw a cute little boy playing with a dog. He was, I thought, trying to get the dog to play tug. So I asked someone to translate for me. The boy was actually saying, "Come on dog. I'm going to shoot you. Put this in your mouth so I can shoot you." Another girl, age 13, is a prostitute and uses the money for drugs but last year used part of the money for underwear to attend the camp. This year she came and has a new baby. She is a very troubled girl and without going into major details, became enraged at a boy at camp and wanted to kill him. In fact, she took a knife at camp and hid it to return to later during our night game of "Monge" to retrieve the knife and kill him in the dark. Luckily, it didn't happen. Another girl, age 9, told me she was going to have her "honeymoon" later that day. This is normal life in a favela. I thought I had seen the worst on my Africa trips, but I must say that the Brazilian favelas are worse. Not only are the people extremely poor, but the violence and drugs are so ridiculously out of control! One member of our team was mugged while downtown our last day there.

I would love to write about everything, but I don't think most people want to read a novel on a blog! I can sum it up by saying that it was the worst yet the best. Living conditions are awful, but loving the kids and sharing Jesus with them was amazing. I am so excited that I could share HIS MESSAGE clearly with them and I hope and pray that it touched the life of at least one child there because then it is all worth it.

Please continue to pray for Restoration MInistries. Many of the workers are overworked and underpaid. Many of them grew up in the favelas themselves. They are beautiful, loving people, with a heart for God!

I had special kids I bonded with if you could pray for them... Bruna, Joa' Paulo, Alvaro, Danielo, Camile and Giselle. Please lift them up in your prayers.

Thank you so much to my supporters. You really can't imagine all it has meant to me to be able to go to Brazil and share Jesus with these dear children. They really need love. They need Jesus. I know this was an impact to many of them. I'll try to put up more pictures on utube in the next few weeks that will fill in more of the story!

Choi and Obrigada!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Thursday in Brazil

Hi family and friends!
This will have to be a quick blog update. I don~t have much time on the computer here. I am trying to upload a few pictures for you. We~ve been very very busy with lots and lots of kids! One day we had 150 at vbs and we~ve held one camp. Today we are at another favela doing vbs and this weekend we will run another camp. I must say out of all my mission trips, this one has allowed me to SHARE the good news of Jesus directly with kids! It~s great.
The poor kids live in meager conditions but their main problem is drugs, drug trafficing, prostitution, and violence. Today~s favela was right in the middle of a large drug trafficing area. All the men were on each corner...but they gave permission for Restoration Ministries to be there. Last night I counted 12 gun shots outside our hotel.
Keep praying for our work here and that we are able to share Jesus with the kids. Pray for our health because I~ve had a chest cold. I can~t write more but I will write a longer update when I get home!! Thanks!!
PS...I couldn~t get the pictures to upload from here so you~ll have to wait! sorry! obrigada

Monday, June 16, 2008

Monday in Brazil!

Well, we're here! We arrived at "Camp California" and got ready for the kids. The children - ages 10-14 - arrived around 9:00 pm and we fed them dinner. Then the first eve we played games and went to bed around 11:30 pm. I was exhausted! The camp is beautiful and the kids looooovvvved it. They rotated playing games, making crafts, and listening to the Bible story - a puppet show about Paul. Our theme has been Olympics.
All of the children come from the favelas which are the slum areas. The children are exposed to violence and drugs at very early ages. Camp is a time where they can go to a beautiful area and "be a kid".
I'd love to write more, but my computer time is short! Please pray for me because I am getting sick...fever, stomach, and chest. I need to feel well to do HIS work here.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Leaving Thursday!

Well, we'll soon be off! I won't be able to update this blog, can check our church blog at for updates! Thanks so much for all your prayers! Please pray for us throughout the trip...each and every day! It's wonderful to know we have prayer support.
Gotta go finish packing!
Love you!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

One week two days!

I can't believe it's getting so close! We have our last Brazil meeting tonight before we leave next week. Please continue praying for our trip. Pray that lives will be changed and children will come to know Jesus through the VBS and camp. Pray that language will not be a barrier and that HIS light will shine through me to all I meet wherever I am...airport, city, camp... Pray for health of our team members. Pray for Lee, Lauren and Brett at home! My mom will be coming a few days as well to visit and I won't be there. boo hoo. Pray she has a nice stay! Thank you so much for your support. I'm not sure how much I'll be able to update our blog while I am gone because I will not have a computer so updates may need to wait until I return.

Lauren graduated! Yea! Congratulations to Lauren!! 8-) I love you, Lauren!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

God is good!

I am so thankful! All my money has been raised for Brazil. It's amazing! Yet, God is amazing! Thank you! I have been working hard on my curriculum for the VBS and camp. Our theme will be "Dream Big" and to go with that we are having an Olympic theme. We have a small group going to Brazil, so I will be doing the Bible lessons either on my own or with one or two helpers. So...I've been writing puppet shows to convey the message. I am borrowing puppets from our high school teacher Yvette Roberts. She's a highly talented puppeteer and has wonderful puppets! She has been so kind to let me bring a couple. My VBS skit will be a take-off on Joseph...only mine will be an Olympic runner. My camp skit will be a take-off on Paul and his trials...only mine will be a gang member. It's fun to plan! I am looking for ideas for crafts so if you have an Olympic craft idea...let me know!
Thanks for your prayers and support!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Mexico 2008

Dear Friends,
We had a blast in Mexico! It was a true blessing to be able to attend as a full family again. We've gone to Mexico now between 6-10 times...depending on the family member! We hadn't been together, all of us, for years, so it was really nice...especially since Lauren will soon be going away to college. We built 2 on Friday and one on Saturday. The first 12x12 home was for a man, his 8 month pregnant wife, and 2 year old son. The man and his father were delightful. It was their first home ...situated high high high on a hill. (Hills and views here in California are a good thing...there it's a sign of poverty.) The lot was level and they had poured a concrete slab. The day was smooth and the home went up easily. There were a few neighbor kids that came by to play, but being so high up on the hill only a few made the climb.

The second day we built a 12x12 home for a woman and her 8 children. It was quite different. It was down in the town near the dorm where we sleep. In fact, it was just a block or so from the ice cream shop we frequently patronize. When we arrived, the woman was inside and Laura from Caravan Ministries went to talk to her but stopped and said it sounded like she was having "kid problems." So we waited. Soon she came out weeping and crying while carrying a small child (one year old). Other adults joined her outside crying. The child wasn't moving. She headed for a car and got in and left. Lauren was the only one who knew some Spanish so she tried to translate. From what we gathered, the child blacked out and wouldn't waken and was extremely ill. Later that day she came home still crying. We thought perhaps the child died. She said she had to leave the baby at the hospital and was told by doctors that they could not do anything unless she came up with more money. The baby was very sick but the hospital wouldn't run tests without the money. Caravan Ministries said that there is a social work structure there that would help her with expenses but we worried that the child may not live. While we considered paying for her, we were told that help would be given by the system in place and Maggie from Caravan Ministries would follow up. We may never find out exactly the outcome. We built the home for her. Many of her own children helped with nailing. When they weren't, Pam, Lauren, Lee, and Jessica played with the, jump rope, etc. I think it was great to watch her own children get in there and help build. They were so proud of their casa (house).

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Open House and Mexico Coming!

Our Open House was tons of fun. Thanks families and friends who attended! We raised $281 for our mission trips! yea!

Our Mexico trip is coming soon...May 1-4 to El Florido, Mexico. This will be our seventh year to Mexico. Each year is different and it is so exciting to build homes for people. We build small 12x16 houses with common hand tools. Oh yes, it would be much quicker to use power tools, but much of the trip is to build relationships with the families and neighbors. By using hand tools, the works goes slower and we have more time to visit and establish friendships. Please begin praying for the families that we will be meeting. Pray that God will break through the language barrier and that we will be able to share HIS love and gospel with the people there!

I have my first Brazil trip today. yea! I am going to start reviewing my Portuguese. I have a language software tool I use...but so far all I've learned are words that I won't probably use like blue rabbit and mattress! ha! ha!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Upcoming Trips!

We have 2 upcoming mission trips and would appreciate your prayer and support! Our family will be going on our 7th trip to El Florido, Mexico, May 1-4 to build homes for the homeless. Total cost: $500

Pam will be going to Sao Paulo, Brazil, in June to work with Restoration Ministries.
The Nature and purpose of this trip is to support Restoration Ministries who ministers to children/families in the favelas (slums) of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Ministry will include running two weekend camps at their property, Camp California
. During the week, we will run a VBS program at 4 different locations. Total cost: $2,200

Watch for more blogs as we get closer to the dates!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Finish Strong!

This post is by Marty Listberger. Thanks, Marty!

We are praying for you and we thank God for your prayers and support. Tomorrow (Saturday) will signal the beginning of the conclusion of our time together here in Ica Peru. It is with great joy and sincere gratitude that we will being saying good-bye to our friend, Lee Jimison, as he begins the long journey back home. Before I share my thoughts about this, let me take a few moments to share some of the events of the past 36 hours.

We arrived at Casa por Marilena (Marilena´s House) about 9:00am this morning. Following a day of rest and refresh time at a beautiful oasis called Huacachina, combined with the experience gathered from building Jose and Rosa´s house, the team began working with great confidence. Lee and Jim layed out the chalk lines, David and Lynn setup the cut station and began cutting posts and studs, while Tory and Colleen assisted with the raising of the corner posts. Within 30-minutes the first wall went up and we were off and running.

It was quickly becoming clear to me that the team was functioning well and that they had succeeded in working me out of a job. The team no longer required a leader...they were clear on their mission and each person knew their role. I really credit this to Jim and Lee´s leadership. As I looked around for bent nails to sweep up or pencils to sharpen, I noticed Marilena leaning against the wall accross the street. A little girl ran to her with a tissue to wipe the tears that were flowing down her cheeks. I invited Colleen to join me and explained that the house can wait, ¨we need to comfort Marilena.¨ Marilena was overcome with emotion, not able to believe that people she had never met woke up, prayed up, showed up and were excited, laughing and happy to rebuild her home. A home that fell one evening last August within minutes in the wake of an earthquake. Struggling through her tears, Marilena explained that she wanted to do us a favor. As we hugged each other we explained that the greatest favor she could do is to accept this house as a gift from God and honor Him by making the name of Jesus great throughout this neighborhood. Marilena looked at us and said, ¨in reality, that is what I already came such a long, long way to help me.¨ The only thing I could say was, ¨then Marilena, it is appropriate that God has selected you. Just as he sent Jesus all the way from Heaven to save all of us, He has sent us to help you. He wants to bless you because you truly love Him.¨ Yes, there were more tears and more hugs...we returned to work and Marilena stood watch all day - I believe she will continue to be used by God...she has many neighbors who are watching too!

You may notice that the picture above does not include the entire team. The hot sun and humidity has taken its toll on many of us throughout the week. While everyone tries diligently to maintain proper rest and water, we´ve experienced more than our fair share of instances of heat exahustion. Either that or were experiencing some sort of stomach ailment that is slowly working it´s way through the group. First David, then Tory, Emily, Colleen and now me. We´ve done well to look after one another and Betty has been incredible at providing tea, nurishment and even soothing cool compresses to reduce fever and provide comfort to those that have needed to power through the 24-hours required to get back on their feet. It is wonderful how God has provided both Betty and Pepe as extended members of our team. They are absolutely His saints and we have been blessed in so many ways.

As we approach the final few days of our time in Peru, we were treated to another example of God´s creation and beauty even in this most desolate place in the middle of the desert. Here most people see dirt, poverty, very little in the form of trees and due to the earthquake piles and piles of bricks and stones...yet, God finds ways to reveal himself and all his Glory. This picture was taken while lying in the sand in front of a dune buggy behind Huacachina. I love how the wind forms wave-like markings in the sand and how the setting sun stars just as it meets the horizon.

So, just as the sun sets behind the dunes we prepare to say good-bye, for now, to our friend, Lee. His gifts for construction have been second only to his kindness, gentle manner and spiritual leadership. We´ve all experienced Christ´s love shining brightly through him this week. ¨Thank you Lee.¨ We pray for his safe travels to Lima, Miami, San Francisco, Sacramento and El Dorado Hills as he anxiously anticipates his reunion with family and friends. We also pray for relief in the storms, high winds and rain that have created difficult circumstances throughout northern California.

Meanwhile, as we continue to experience the culture, wonderful food and music (mostly 80´s Rock from the USA in all the Taxis!) in Peru and share the good news to encourage the people of Ica over the next few days we invite you to continue to pray that we finish strong. Pray that each member of the team can find the time to be completely alone with God. Pray that we recognize what He is seeking in each one of us as we prepare to return home to all of you.

P.S. In case you´re feeling that God is calling you to join one of our Lakeside on Mission Impact Peru teams, we have a seat reserved just for you!


A special hello to Sandy, Shane and Shannan - I love you!

In His Arms,

Marty Listberger

Thursday, January 3, 2008

One More to Go!

Hello Lakesiders and Share Partners,
It is Thursday here and it has been a wonderful trip. My fellow team members are just great and we are having a productive yet fun time. Marty keeps us all organized and is doing a great job keeping our focus on the mission and our interaction with each other and the families we are ministering to. He is truly dedicated to the success of this trip!

After a long day on Wednesday we were able to finish Jose and Rosa´s house except for a few small items. It is a very rewarding blessing in having a small part in helping those less fortunate than ourselves. Jose and Rosa know that they have received this blessing from God.

There was much interest by people in the neighborhood as they watched the progress of the house. Our construction methods are different than what they are used to seeing. A wood frame structure and the process in which to construct is far different than the brick and mortar construction they are familiar with. I´m sure they were surprised at the time it took to build and I´m sure will be pleased with the finished product after it is plastered on Saturday.

The kids in the neighborhood are like kids everywhere, they love to play. It was fun to see Lynn, Colleen, and Tory play and spend time with them and have a blast doing it. Between hammering and nailing they were holding the baby and playing soccer. These kids probably just love the attention of having adults spend time with them doing the most important thing, having fun!

I´ve enjoyed working with Jimi who speaks my language. Having been to Peru already to help build another home he was a great help in my understanding of building one of these homes. Truly someone who loves to serve.

Everyone on our team compliments each other with their talents to make this trip so fun. It is wonderful to develop new friends and relationships that will remain from now on. It´s encouraging to see young men like Tory and David who at such a young age are experiencing the blessing of ministry. Lynn and Colleen are just fun to be around and keep us laughing all the time.

It is nice to have Emily and Stephany filming and documenting the devastation from the earthquake. My prayer for them is that their hard work and diligence in making a film will make people aware of the need and energize people to help.

Thank you all for sending me here and to receive the life changing experience of bringing God´s love to those less fortunate. I know we receive more blessing than those were trying to bless. Although I feel that not being able to communicate with words to the families makes it hard for me, I´m glad for my team members that can. I believe the most important part is the relationships that are built. I´m glad that I´m able to contribute a small part and do what is easy for me and that is to build.

I also want to thank Bill Harggett who was so gracious to open his home to are team and to have Pepe and Betty to help us all week long with everything from cooking to translating for us.

God Bless, Lee

Third Day Building

(This blog was written by a member on Lee's team from Lakeside...sorry...they didn't sign their name!)

Today is day 3 three of building! Wow what an experience already. So much has happened during this trip so far. So many good discussion's so many good experiences and many good blessings! At the beginning of the first work day we came to the work site with just a slab of cement and a pile of materials. Now let me just say that Marty has been an amazing leader setting us up every step of the way always looking for our best interest making this very poverty stricken place a very good time. We manage to always be laughing, smiling, or making jokes at each other. But, we are just blessed to have Jimmy and Lee leading us on the work site because without their patience and expertise I would be in a very bad position! But we are just so blessed to have such an amazing team! Well, now seeing everything come together on day 3 is just awesome. We came to the work site with just a frame and a roof. So, we decided to get an early start so we could finish by lunch time. Colleen and I actually had quite a good experience mixing concrete today. We had a great time using a onion bag as a sifter for sand to mix. And Colleen was all over that she told me she was having a blast with it.. Well, lets just say for a few minutes haha! But, we learned a lot. I can't believe the impact and hope that brings all these people that lives in these "pueblo heavens" poor areas. Finally when about 5 or 6 came around when we were all beyond tired we finally finished. But, what sticks out most in my mind we stood around in prayer with the team and the family Jose, Rosa, their grandparents, Florella, and their baby! And we had our closely grown friend Pepe and translator translate the prayers and after we touched the house with all of our blessings and prayers Jose began to break and tear up. Some of my thoughts for the day are just that we understand we can't help everybody but, to give blessings and prayers and hope to this one family I pray in turn that it will impact the community to become more hopeful and curious about the true reasons we came on this trip and in one day see them in heaven with us all!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

Portions of this were written by Colleen, a member of the Peru team from Lakeside...

What a way to start the year, but on a mission in Peru building a house! What a blessing! We got a little bit of a late start due to not getting the best sleep. The Peruvians here brought in the New Year with lots of dancing, fireworks and music and the neighbors very close our were no exception. I think they may have stopped around 5 am.

Today´s goal was to put on the roof and start putting up the siding. We did the get roof on as you will see in the photos. It was hotter today, but we were motivated by a devotional this morning out of the book of Luke that Jim led about service. As Jim puts it, ¨We don´t have to do service, but Jesus tells us to. ¨

Off to the site we go, in the smallest taxis I have ever seen. These little cars are smaller than a Geo, but they are everywhere and stoplights a merely a suggestion. It is always quite an exciting ride even for the short distance we travel.

When we arrived at the house today, it was nice to see the frame up. Lee and Jim are really leading the construction project. Their skills have been invaluable. They have been very patient with everyone as we learn or relearn to use a hammer, saw and screwdriver. We only had one injury so far, Lyn hit her little finger with a hammer. But of course that did not stop her, she kept on going.

Florella is a young girl who is very bright who is a cousin to Jose, of the house we are building. I (Colleen) made a hand puppet of a doll with her today. She is a bright ten year old who wants to be a veterinarian. Lynn spent the many hours holding a baby named Lamamay. This little girls hair won´t lay down, it stands straight up. So they call her Hair of an Angel.

A few of us went for a walk through the neighborhood. Many walls of the homes made of brick are still in piles on the ground. The people have attempted to put back up walls with tarp, stacking the bricks, and by sewing together rice bags. The inner walls of their homes are gone and many roofs have caved in.

We spoke to one woman, who asked us to help her parents, since they were very old and their entire home was destroyed. They had put up some old boards that were found some where for the front of the house, but when you peeked inside, there was nothing else to the home. It is hard to see these experiences some times because there is only so much we can do. We are going to go back and pray for the parents when they are home.