Saturday, October 25, 2008


Thank you so much for sending me to Ethiopia. Our trip was a success in terms of accomplishing the water project but more important the fact that the villagers knew why we had come so far. We had several set backs throughout the week which was almost expected, but the final set back, as discouraging as it was, God used for His purse. On the morning of the last day, we woke up to find that one of the villagers had vandalized our work. He had been one of the workers that had helped through the week, but was angry that he wasn’t asked to work the last day. The elders of the village called a meeting. The young man was given grace for his actions and apologized to the elders and to us. Although he had to pay a fine, we showed forgiveness and were able to demonstrate God’s forgiveness and grace. During the gathering, my partner on the trip, Bob, was able to give a clear presentation of the gospel that I believe will bear fruit. We were able to finish fairly late in the day and when we left they had a water system that will help them every day. The water is available to members of the village and the school. More importantly, we pray that His living water will flow through their lives in the village of Archebar.

Thank you again for your prayers and support!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Lee's Home!

Yea! Lee arrived safely back home! He had a wonderful time - said it was full of a LOT of work. But they accomplished the task and shared about Jesus! He'll write in a few days and I'll update the blog. His pictures are amazing...still trying to get them off the camera since our cord broke. I just wanted to let you know he was back safe and sound.