Sunday, January 16, 2011

Getting ready...

It's hard to believe - I have a little over a month before I leave for Ethiopia! I must say, I don't think I've ever been so excited for a mission trip. Yes, I've been excited for all of them - but for some reason I'm really excited! :)  I am looking forward to working with World Vision. We have been child sponsors for years and have been a part of World Vision for a long time. I must say I am very impressed with all they do. They not only help a child, they help an entire, health, roads, wells, training for parents, ... They help the community become self sustainable, train pastors, then leave. I like that they help the people by training them and giving them resources, then allowing them to continue on their own.

Recently I heard about 30 Hours of Famine. I signed up our Bible study group thinking it would be cool to support. Basically, it is a 30 hour fast that brings attention to world hunger. You raise money and for every $30 raised, it pays for food and needs for a child. I contacted World Vision and asked them if funds could be designated and received special permission for all the funds that we raise to go to the Abaya Community in Ethiopia where we will be going. Wow. This is big. Now - it's even better. Lakeside has decided to take this on as a church and have the congregation participate. And...while the "famine" is going on, we will be in Ethiopia. It's a great prayer and support opportunity.

I must say, since this is my blog and I can share my own feelings here, it's been a rough ride so far with the famine.  Everything I read lately has had to do with hunger and the poor/needy...from church to reading Hole in the Gospel to my own devotions...I've been bombarded with God's instruction to feed the hungry and give to the needy. Really. It's been coming at me from all over. So - God is trying to tell me something, right? When I found the 30 Hour Famine, I was soooo excited. Here was an AWESOME chance to give to the needy and feed the hungry. My frustration has been that others don't share the excitement. I've told countless people about the famine and have asked people from my church and school to join me - and you know what? So far not one person has. (Except my mom! Yea for moms!!) Part of me wants to say REALLY? You can't give $30 to feed a child for a month? You don't want to pray for the hungry? I have felt myself get angry over it. It makes me want to stand up and yell...PEOPLE! LET'S DO SOMETHING! It's sad to me. So, I know that I just need to pray that God will open hearts.

Then came my talk with Jeff, our missions pastor, at church where he said, "Let's open it up to the whole church to participate." Yes. I wanted to cry I was so happy. It will be publicized better and people will be able to sign up easily on the web. Yes, it will still be up to each person to decide whether this is something that they want to participate in or not, but it is a start.

I am hoping that through all this the Abaya Community in Ethiopia grows and prospers...that the message of Jesus is preached...lives are transformed and a community is reached for His kingdom.


CLICK HERE to email me and request more information.